Can I live off of Photography?
As I feel my photography skills growing I'm realizing that I am truly outgrowing my equipment. However, this is equipment that was given to me because I couldn't afford it to start with. So I'm looking for my next step in photography... Monetizing. Cash. Income.
I've been looking for inspiration from many different sources. Photographers that are way up there, such as,, Tony and Chelsea Northrup of, and Lauri Novak of (whom I've had the pleasure of meeting). Additionally, 2 other people I look to in this adventure to monetizing my art: my wife, Nicole and my twin brother, Adam
First, about the inspiration that I live with every day, my wife. No, this isn't a sappy post for me telling Nicole how much I love her (and I do). But it is because she has made the transition from doing something that is a part of her into doing it for love... and doing it for income. Nicole is a Figure Skating Coach. She loves figure skating. But to feed this love, she started coaching. She is a constant voice in my life advising me how something is worth in an economy.
And I have my brother, Adam. I blame him. I blame him for the camera he gave me. I blame him for showing it is possible to make even a little bit of money at this thing. I also thank him for the conversations we have bouncing ideas off each other.
And now I will go back to the order I started with. Most of whom are on my youtube list...
Jared Polin. This is what I love about Jared, even though he is a Nikon guy, he could care less what camera you are using. When he is going through critiques or answering questions during 'flying solo' bits he is showing his passion but also channeling what he went through. He started young (he is only a couple of years younger than me) and has since made a great name for himself. He is also a team photographer for the Philadelphia Flyers, so he understands an environment I have been shooting in... Ice Rinks.
Jason Lanier. Jason is a cool guy. Sure, he is a 'Sony Artisan' but he too could care less what you are shooting with. Some of what I love about him is that he makes photos that look like they could be HDR from a single shot. He does this by bringing a flash and knowing how to use it. But, he doesn't get crazy with his equipment. Jason Lanier makes amazing work with usually one flash and a remote. Sometimes he has 2 flashes or the rotolight neo. But it represents that slightly next step that I want to get to. Additionally, he shoots in abandoned properties.
Tony and Chelsea Northrup. This husband and wife team are idyllic. Their weekly youtube live videos are a mishmash of photo news and people entering their photos and web sites for critiques. They are always instructional. Also fun when you have an adult beverage! Probably the greatest strength I get out of them is the display of pros vs cons. I also get some opposing viewpoints on things that Jared Polin has said about showing what your pricing points are going to be. And I still have to weigh that opinion as well.
Lauri Novak. Folks, check her out. I've met her during a photography trip out to Chicago. You might say she has arrived as a photographer. But she is very gracious individual and is also a student of this thing called The Arcanum. During the brief encounter I've had she talked about some of the ways she is marketing her photos. And, I dare say it was the nicest kick in the ass I ever experienced.
I've found that there are people out there that really make use of 3 major things. Google Search, FaceBook, Twitter, and Instagram. This means making sure I have my blogsite here updated, and that it is some how in sync with what I have on the other three services. Since I do not have my own online store, I'm using a suggestion from Lauri Novak and my brother, (FAA for the rest of this posting).
What this means is there are 4services out there that I now have as a way to direct people to purchasing my photos as a print or other merchandise. Twitter is going to be tricky, however. Since you only have so many characters in each twitter post I'm trying to see if will be a good way to shorten my links between my blog and FAA. But I think this will mean more posts to twitter to show people my photos... specially the photos that are available at FAA.
Next up (in some future post), finding an hourly rate.